Tuesday, June 3, 2008

happy ~~!!

last saturday was one of the most memorable days in my life... yes, it was my graduation a.k.a. my convocation day...until this moment, i wasnt really sure and trying to understand why i felt sooo nervous that day...because it wasnt like i have to perform in front of crowds...i just need to naik pentas and received the scroll (eventhough it was just a reminder to return the robes), and walk back to my seat...the feeling is like having stage fright....like there were butterflies in my stomach..i was too emotional that day...tapi takpe laaa..

until today, i received 3 bouquets of flowers including 2 balloons...2 of them are roses and the other one is lilies...sangat wangi...dan sangat hepi.... the lilies are about to dry but the roses are still fresh laa..especially the one i just received today... mase dpt munge tu...hati pun berbunge2 skali...tapi kan ...sayang laa bunge2 tu kalo layu cam tuh aje...therefore, saye telah terfikir utk melakukan sesuatu keatas munge2 tersebut... nak tau ???hehehehee....saye nak buat mandi bunge laaa..tak payah pegi spa nak mandi2 bunge..buat sendiri pakai bunge convocation.... kreatif dan jimat bukan??? yer..besok pagi ialah hari yg telah saye decide utk mandi bunge convo...dgn harapan taun depan cepat2 la convo lagi skali....ameeeennnnn... and about the balloons, i put it in my rooms...hepi bile tgk balloons tu terbang dgn riang dan gembira....lalu detiap kali saye lalu berdekatan dgn balloons tersebut, saye akan kiss balloons tersebut...sungguh hepi!!

lagi gamba2 convo berada di facebook, dan selebihnye dlm camera akak saye....
walau bagaimanapun, hari tersebut juga terdapat peristiwa yang sedikit sedih, setelah saye bermuhasabah diri di dalam dewan seri budiman tersebut.... tetapi saye tidak lah terlalu sedih berkenaan hal tersebut....

P/S: thanks alam dan manusia yang rayap for the flower delivery

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