Tuesday, July 28, 2009

sabar itu separuh daripada imannnnnnn.....

Owh..hi encik blog... just droppng by to put on some updates of what's happenning lately..
Lately, i'm so so so...........sloppy...melepek2 tahap ape ntah... my body gets tired easily.... and yesterday, my BP (blood pressure) dropped drastically to 80/45...satu kegilaan tuh kan??? so, i went to klinink amal to see dr. zainon and after several times she checked my blood pressure, she decided to refer me to the GH. so, yesterday was the 2nd time for me kene cucuk masuk air.... my first time was when i were in Mecca to perform the umrah... Luckily, the other night i decided not to follow en. awak balik rawang, kalo tak...sape nk anta g klinik...gi spital....silap2 en. awak suruh pegi keje lagi....

in the evening after everything has settled, my parents and i went to beranang...my mother dah tak senang duduk memikirkan anak cucu die tak mandi lagi...and we slept over... this morning (tuesday) my mother has had her routine appointment, amik darah n all...n tetibe je sedar2 after breakfast habis badan2 ku kene kelegate.....allergic ape laa agaknye...tak penah dibuat...
yang penting skang, kene byk2 sabar......... hummmmmmmm (buat ala2 orang nk bertapa )


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Argghh!! i'm down with flu...

yerp.. for the past few days (since sunday to be exact), saye demam... at first, i thought it was just another fever, then came the flu in the combo the next day. However, being a very hardworking person, i still went to school on monday and tuesday.. On wednesday morning, i just couldnt open my eyes, my head was too heavy and my body was aching very badly.. so, i decided not to go to work on that morning...

En. awak promised me to come back at 10 a.m, to drive me to see the doctor before he songlaped my en.maxis berukband... after he was off to work, went upstairs to continue sleeping. at about 945 am i woke up, and the headache was still there... around 10 am en. awak arrived, and take me to the clinic at Sg buaya...jauh jugak rupenye sg buaye tu dgn bkt sentosa...the doctor we went to see was the sister to en. awak's classmate in Jasin... rupe2nye, she was expecting us to come, psl adik die dah talipon...isk isk isk.... So, this is just the gist to my convesation eith the doctor....

Doctor : So afidah, ape yang sakit??
Me : owh, demam.. lepas tu badan sakit2 ...
Doctor: ade selesema?
Me : Ade...tp tak laa teruk sgt..ade laa bersin2 sket tapi takde laaa sampai hidung tersumbat terus....
Doctor: Hmmm..... last period bila nih ???
Me : (apekahh??ape kaitan dengan demam nih??) hmmm..awal bulan aritu...
Doctor : Bile tarikh kawen aritu???
Me : (apakah???) 13 june
Doctor : Kene buat pregnancy test dulu nih... baru boleh saye determine ubat ape nak bagi...
Me : (aramakkkk....) **blushing**

Maka, dengan itu terpakse laa saye buat pregnancy test tersebut....dan negative yer kawan2... tetapi masih juga doctor tu kate..hmm, still ade possibility utk ada sbb mungkin takleh detect sbb awal lagi.... btw, tq doctor for giving me MC that day.. (talking abt MC , i need to go to the office and give the MC )

tapi, saye rase laa kan, now is still not a good time for me to have that little creature, because i am still in the phase of adapting and adjusting myself to the new life, new routine etc... There are still a lot to be altered and compromised.

After seeing the doctor, en. awak brought me to a foodstall which he claimed selling " the best sup tulang in the world" .. but to me, sup tu biase laa...sedap laa dari yang biase2..tapi tahap2 kedai sup utara kat s alam tak lebih dari itu... after he sent me home, he taught me how to play his PS2.. psl die takut saye mati kebosanan.... tapi game die adalah sangat tak menarik...kerana main gitar punye game....so, saye adlh sangat tak berminat...

lepas die dah pegi keje balik, i thought of having more sleep for i had to swallowed 3 pills..i felt really tired.. but then, i dont know what got into me, i magically started to clean the house... al maklum laaa rumah orang bujang dulunye...i did the laundry (bercinta btol nk buat dgn mesin basuh nih...tp apekan daye, kang takde baju...), mopped the floor... susun balik sampah2 yang ade that belongs to en.awak (sebab i didnt know which one is important and which one is not) ... If u asked me, i see most of it as sampah je...because they dont look that important to me, because they were stuffed into a plastic bag mcm sampah....mopped tu byk kali tau..ade laa dlm 2 -3 kali jgk..psl the place was like urghhhh...i dont know how to describe... we havent cooked a single meal in the kitchen yet... lps tu, lipat kain... lepas tu jemur kain, lepas tu ubah kedudukan washing machine... then i ironed the clothes for tomorrow (today laa)...kire kat living room dgn dapur tuh dah ok laa... takut ok kalo tibe2 mertua dtg spot check..hahaha...

baiklah..saye rase itu sahaja buat hari ini... tata kawan2...

PS: tq suria!