Sunday, February 15, 2009


halloooo....supposedly, my parents and i should be in shah alam at this moment, but then an old friend to my mother just came this evening. we thought i was just a friendly visit 'ziarah2' after years of not meeting or even contacting face to face.. to tell you the truth i dont even recognize this fella, but according to my mother, she was a good friend of her laa... agak 'kamceng' laa this two fellas back then... ibaratnya, dulu if my family (only consisted of 2 my eldest siblings and my parents) came over to her house, she would be catching her chicken to be slaughtered to become the dishes of the day... if you dont know, back then...if the host sampai sembelih ayam utk di buat lauk tuh...the guest must be very should be a very important guests laa... for example, if pengantin baru dtg bertandang ke... atuk nenek datang ke... that important laa... so my mother was excited telling me stories how close they were dolu2...
and then, she arrived with her anak buah laa kirenye...we treated them more special compared to the previous guests we entertained, with pulut (purposely cook.. knowing her coming, the previous guests kitorang hidang biskut azan je pun..) mase berjamu2 tuh, ok laaa...they (she n my parents) did some reminiscence together .... so, after borak2, my father asked he how she's doing..what she's doing now...bla bla bla... and she replied, she is currently venturing into business, and that young girl she brought together was her business partner... hmm.. n then my father being curious, asking her what sort of business?? and his intention was just cathing up with an old friend laa kan...bukan ape2 pun... and then right after makan2, die pun start laaaa nk mendirect selling di rumah kami (cth product: water filter, tupperware, skincare..etc just name it!!).... you know what my father did?? haha, immediately making excuse to the bathroom...and never came back...huhu... sweeett!!!!..i wanted to do the same, but then, sian plak mak saye kne layan bende tu sorang2...takkan laa plak die nak halau kan?? hik hik hik... i gave her (this makcik) a lot of excuses i.e : i still dont have my own gaji yet....and mase die promote skin care tu (knowing that i'm getting married), gua saje je laa cakap, takpe laa....dah ade pakai barang banyak dah..tak cukup cantik lagi ke nih??? (sambil menunjuk kan jari2 ke arah muke dan mengelip2 mate..) tau ape die jawab?????? BELUM!!!! hangat hati gua!!! pastu ade ke die ckp muke budak yg die bwk tuh cantik??owh tidak....tidak same skali...gua tak mau mengutuk ciptaan tuhan...mmg kalo pada awalnye gua ade tergerak ati nak beli pon...gua kensel beb!!!!
yang gua rase tak logik tu, ade ke die lepas tuh promote kat mak gua suruh beli skincare tu n suruh mak gua pakai biar kulit tegang....tapi die tak pakai.... kalo ikut hukum hakam laa kan, bukan ke kalo kite nak suruh orang buat sesuatu, kite kne buat dulu...KEPIMPINAN MELALUI TELADAN, kannn???? damn!!!!!!!!!!


heliocentrism said...

jadi, apa yg ko nak sampai kn di sini sebenar nye adalah.. muke makcik tu tak tegang+cantek la kan kan kan? muahaha

miss nugget said...

hahahaha...yg aku cube sampai kan ialah...aku tak puas ati straight to my face ckp aku tak cantikk...huaaaaaaa..... penat aku jage wooo.... aku nih punye laa awet mude, die slamber je kutuk depan2... n die mmg beria2 soh mak aku beli skin care+ mesin urut muke ape ntah.... ade patut die cakap dgn nada yang meng'convince' orang utk muke tegang muke die tak tegang walau sedikit pun... apakah????kalo ko, adakah ko akan bli product camtuh punye mahal, tp takde proof yg meyakinkan..?? hangin gua beb!!

Anonymous said...

Dah sehat ke peeeeed??