Thursday, September 18, 2008

arahan dari warden asrama...

yer..time kasih en jeepsy, warden yang digeruni seluruh alam kerana telah memberi hw yg saye suke...nih celah gigi je nih...pejam mate pun aku boleh buat...har har harun salim bachik (sian die, tak berkenaan pun, name die jadi mangsa..harap maaf kalo terbace yer!) So here goes a few facts about me...

The rules:~ Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.

~ Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.~ Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.~ Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog..

fact #1: i am the slowest "eater" in the world... i eat at the velocity of 1 hour/meal (maybe u might think that i'm exaggerating but i do !(",) ) . Usually, i am the last person to finish eating laa..tak caye??try laa tanye sape2 ...i tried to eat a bit faster, but my sister kate " buruk laa org pompuan makan "polok-polok" camtuh!!"

*vocab of the day

- polok-polok = makanan dlm mulut tak abes lagi/blom telan dah nak suap lagi, oleh itu mulut penuh..dan itu adalah tak semenggah ok!!

fact #2: i am sensitip at times...takleh org terslh ckp/tone sket dah terase....saye jugak adlh seorang makhluk yg cepat emo ok!!!

fact #3: i like my birthday date( 11 November) very much... i feel very lucky...mcm ade ong! walaupun sbnrnye tade pun hahahaha.....

fact #4: until the moment of doing this tag, i believe that all my wishes all my entire life came true. it's just a matter of lambat atau cepat je...alhamdulillahh... lately i received a new laptop. i remember that i once wish to have it...and now i really do owned it... Allah listens to my wish..

fact #5:i like doing the master degree that i'm doing now, it's just i dont like the homeworks that come together with it...

fact #6: maybe it's because i'm the youngest in the family makes me a bit childish in certain things. I acted in such behaviour to those who are very2 significant in my life only i.e: immediate family members and ...but however it seems that en. bf could not handle me well when i started to act like nk buat mcmane kan??kalau dh tak rase nk lyn...fine!! However my friends...u dont get to see me acted that way...not that you were not significant in my life, you are very significant in my life too..but from different angle laaa kire nye....

fact #7: (the darkest of all) i have been on-and-off with my for thousands of times, and yerp...i'm still with the same guy. we fought over small2 things a lot n a few big things.. sometimes i wonder whether i'm with the right guy. kadang2, when i started to believe that i'm with the right guy and imagining smooth flowing in the relationship, another fight comes along...and it hurts.... this afternoon i started to believe, but tonite usual..a fight came along...too soon ekk??and this blog might be the next reason to fight about.....

i wanna tag:

1. huwaida jugak

2. abby jugak

3. cyedaaaa jugak

4. akeji formerly known as mr ajai

5. ieda kotttt, psl mmg tak ramai rs nye yg view blog aku melainkan org2 yg disebutkan ....

6. diri saye sendiri....

7. dan diri mereka yg lain yg sedang membaca tag ini....


Anonymous said...

Yeayyy bole komeng!!
Kene tag lagi? Haihhh..arahan dari pelajar masters ni...huhuuu...setuju fact #6....teheeee...

NSMY said...

hohoho...terlambat baca la.. dah kena tagged ngn org lain dah.. nmpknya kita ni saling membaca antara satu sama lain kot.. aku pun xde sapa nak ditag dah.. balik balik orang sama.. hahaha..

miss nugget said...

to y: tu lah..kalo ngn kengkawan cam macho je...ngn family die lain sket..hik hik hik

to ida: tatau nk tag sape..psl bukan ade org bace pon blog gue ini...