Friday, September 26, 2008

reminicense: Nsync

Today i have the chance to watch the video clips i copied from opie, most of them are nsync and some hindi songs... Suddenly i remember how it feels like when i was i little younger (not that i'm any older ..hehe..still young as always)

so kirenye saye teringat sewaktu di maktab dlu2...zaman2 skolah, i was a big fan of NSync...kaset sume bli tauu...original lagik...zaman tuh laa kan...sume kaset lagik ( walaupun kat skolah diharamkan bwk walkman...dan walkman gue udah dirampas) tp kaset ttp beli...if i were to compare both nsync and bsb..i like nsync better laa..dunno why.. dah laa tuh, minat kat Chris kirkpatrick tu plak tuh, which my sister didnt really like laa...die kate budak gigi kotoll...tapi sbnr nye die pakai braces,so nmpk cam kotol laa kot tp tak kotolll....saye ske die sbb die cam gile2 yg rayap!!!

pastu saye pon start la browse kat youtube lagu2 si budak nsync nih....especially lion sleeps tonite...psl si chris nih yg lead...gedik jugak saye nih ye....

kesimpulan nye...saye rase mude ..kelihatan mude...jadik mude ...huhuhuh

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