(1) To some of you that have read the announcement (yang skang nih saye dah hide kan entry tersebut atas sebab2 tertentu), you would know that my make up artist wasnt here, and that makes 2 of my sisters were not here during the event...
(2) my en. fiance pun tak datang pada hari kejadian, di sebabkan oleh perintah larangan daripada ibundanya...so, sbg anak yg THO'AT (sebut seperti bahase arab ye), make die pun menurut perintah..
(3) lepas tu mase time2 org(sebelah) nak amik gambar dgn star of the day nih, tetibe laa plak one of my nieces , yaya came to me and said something like "tuyaa" repeatedly and at the same time pull my hand..ntah ajak gi mane ntah...tp tak dapek laa den nak ngikut doh...dah laa pelat lagi..so tak tau laa ape yg die nk ckp sbnrnye...tp comel! hehehe...tp dh hilang feel sket nk amik gambar posing2...
(4) lagi satu, the whole day, i didnt feel nervous at all....i mean even mase nk gi konvokesyen pun rase nervous bagai nak gile...pastu kalo time nk kne g interview, siap takleh tido lagi.... ini, agak nyenyak laa jugak sehingga waktu dikejutkan...tido baekkkk punye!takde rase berdebar2 la pendek katenye...
(5) none of my friend is coming. tp yer laa, i just invited kawan skolah rendah, which are majority area seremban laa...bukan tanak ajak org2 tesl, asasi ke ape...tanak menyusahkan korang je ...
and there were also interesting stories (at least to me) that happened that day while i was putting on my own make up (sob sob ..for doing my own make up..)...
(1) one of my cousin's daughter, decades older than me tumpang mandi in my bathroom, n then after seeing me putting make up by myself (note: i was alone in that room earlier), she asked,
Cousin's Daughter: make up sendiri ke dik???
me: (saje buat muke kunun cam sedih) a'aa..siann kene make up sendiri...make up artist takde..
Cousin's Daughter: takpe2 jap lagi ******* tolong mekap kan lepas mandi nih...
me: (OMG!!!!!) lantas selepas je die masuk bilik air,
maka saya dgn sepantas halilintar menyiapkan makeup saye sehingga habes....cuma tak sempat pakai lipstick je... tgk2 die kuar bilik air saye dah siap...hehehe ..dlm hati tuh, nasib baik sempat siapp...hehehe..saje je tanak nyusahkan org lain utk mekapkan...hehehe :P (note for saksik: kakcik, blusher die same laa ngan awak !!! hehehehe) itu pun,mase pakai lipstick nih, saye telah dicadangkan oleh mekap artis saye utk pakai kaler yg tak laa merah cam makngah..so, after saye pakai lipstick tu org tuh komen lipstick saye pucat..so, utk menjaga ati, saye pun pakai laa merah sket...tp tuh pun cam pink sketttt je...
(2) one of my mom's anak buah (umur dah warga emas laaa) dulu (menurut pemahaman saye sblm hari kejadian) ckp kat mak psl anak kwn die(lelaki) tak kawen lagi n nk dicarikkan laa spouse utk anak lelaki kwn die...so, i tot mule2nye die suruh mak carik kan kot2 org taman guru nih ade sape2 anak pompuannye cikgu dan tak kawen lagi...rupe2nye pada awal alkisahnye die adalah bertanye kpd mak saye mengenai perihal saye utk dikenenkan dgn anak lelaki kwn nye itu... saye amat bernasib baik kerana beberapa tahun yg lepas, ketika saya mengikuti satu rombongan menghantar cincin tunang di Serting, i have had a conversation with my mother, and conversation tu lebih kurang camnih laa :
Me: mak, org yang tunang nih, die carik sendiri ke orang yg carikkan??(fyi: i like to ask this kind of question to my mother..haha...kepoci)
Mak: Abang die yang runding kan...nape plak??
Me: ooo..takde ape..tapikan nanti kan adik TANAK camtuh tauu....
SO, i reckoned my mother still remember that conversation or maybe because i have invited en. fiance formerly known as en.bf to meet my parents....So, instead of me, she suggested our neighbour's daughter...lucky me... Overall, the event went well if not very well... (since u know, most of the time i was in my room..hehe, saye nih kan pemalu..) about the hantaran i received, there was no problem at all to finish all the cake, chocolates, and fruits..because i have lots and lots of relatives, anak buahs and what not...even before i opened the gifts, i noticed some of their eyes (especially the kids) were on the gifts especially the cake and the chocolate...so, dlm mase yg amat sekejap, bende2 tu abes.. So that's about it...that’s about the day.... and i’ll just put a few pictures...
the hantaran i got
Uik??? apakah bertunang tak bagitaw aku..klu tak for sure aku dtg punye..bukan jauh pun melaka-seremban..aku tgh cuti masa tu...wowowowowowo sampai hati tak jemput aku....
By the way..congrats!!!!!selamat juga akhirnya menjadi miss fiance en. lokman..
Semoga sentiasa tabah dan sabar dalam menjalani alam pertunangan yang penoh pancaroba...
Bila nak naik pelamin???
bukan tak nak ajak, tapi tanak menyusahkan org je..nnt kawen aku btau la...tarikh blom set lagi..tp just get ready early june kot.. aite cyeda??
~~ thniah peed..akhirnya...doa kan aku plak ye,..ekeke..
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