Tuesday, December 16, 2008

vacation mood...

now i'm having sort of vacation in Mayangsari PD... Againn... tp kire ok laa... but this place reminds me of my tesl friends a lot especially the trip we had last year.. Yeah..as Siti said our batch didnt really bond with each other but by having the class trip made me realize that actually we did not really get to know each other in the previous 4 years... my classmates adlh sgt happening and pening at the same time.. hehe!

so now, i started to feel serenity and calm within me.. it's a good thing, isnt it?? haha..maybe it's because the result is not out yet and hey, i'm in no rush...so dont bother to come out just yet.just let me enjoy this zen-like feeling for little more longer, enjoy sleeping soundly every night...hmmm...bestnye! it's like i have nothing to worry about and i'm loving it!!

owh ye..lupe plak nk bgtau..skang nih saye berada di PD nih bersama2 mak ayah saye dan bangah dan kakngah dan hanan dan zara dan umar dan of kos awoo...diorang tido lagi kot..i slept early last night, around 1030 kot..and woke up around 3 am and could not sleep anymore.. so i decided to surf the internet using my phone as the modem (abes laa bil gue..) for like an hour or so...then i watched 3 episodes of Private practice season 2 downloaded last week..After subuh, i went to the lobby to use the wireless service... Owh ye jugak lagi, misti ramai yg tertanya2 ttg keberadaan maxis broadband saye tuh kan??? modem tersebut berada di tangan en. fiance kerana saye sedang bercuti di rumah dan ade en. streamyx...saje sian tgk die kebosanan... hmm tu laa, nk wat cmane lagik kan...daripada gelap tadi, ni dah terang benderang dah nih..

Ok laa..nk naik la dah..tgk kanak2 tu dh bgn ke blom... orait....tatalll

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