Monday, December 22, 2008

terpingga...tertanya...di dalam dilema mu~~ (of mawi and siti nurhaliza)

at last..the result for the previous semester has been out already..and i am happy about it... i'm quite surprise of it actually..tapi biase laa kontrol macho.. and what's more important, it's far better than the previous semester's result.. Thank you Allah... and also those helped me directly and indirectly...

other than that.. now i am facing dilemma between 2 choices... i just got a job offer from a govt statuitory body as a teacher ( i suppose)( and it is also a permanent post, ok!!).. i received notification via sms that asking me to check for the details from the internet.. so i did... why is it i'm torn between 2 choices??? (and that reminds me of "the road not taken")

as everyone knows, currently i'm pursuing my master and i have only 1 semester to go.. and next year, if the news from the TV3, utusan and other news network about the next recession happened to be true, that means less chances for me of getting hired by any company anytime soon..Plus, i'm getting married next year..and currently my financial support comes from FAMA (my father and mother)...

What i needed the most right at this moment is reliable and consistent financial income...but at the same time, i wanted to finish my master (i more semester, remember??) very badly... so, if you were in my shoes, which road do you choose??

which one should i prioritize??? what i need or what i desire/want???
some of you would say, why not just finish my master because my parent will be sponsoring me, inside out...makan, minum, place to stay (currently, i stay alone in a 3 room apartment/flat..all by myself), car...duit jajan n what not...sumer cukup, except for duit shopping and joli katak (usually entertainment sponsored by en.fiance..tapi bukan shopping, only wayang2, dating2, game2 etc sahaje...hehe) tapi utk therapy minda (shopping)nggak ada..jadi tiada joli katak, dan minda juga tidak tenang...

pasal kawen pon, saye rase saye memerlukan sumber kewangan sendiri supaya saye dapat merase sedikit berpuas hati dengan majlis yg akan hanya berlangsung sekali seumur hidup itu, maksud saye, sapekah yg sangat baik hati yg sudi mensponsor majlis kawen saye jadik best macam mawi dan siti nurhaliza??? ade ke?? mesti takde kan?? tapi saye takde laa nak majlis yg grand giler mcm diorang tu, but still i have dreams of my own and i wish to fulfill them satu pon cukup laa kalo tak semua, kan???
And again, mmg la my parents yg akan buatkan majlis tu and all..tapi bile org buatkan, org yg kuar kan duit, the theme most probably will be "back to basics" if you know what i mean...if i wanted to hv opinion/have anything extra..kata2 kena selari dengan duit jugak..mcm kirim barang kat orang laa jugak, kalau pesan dgn air liur, dapatnye air liur jugak..bukan tak bersyukur...tapi, this is once in a lifetime's event..

yg en. fiance ni plak lagi satu...bile suruh die yg sambung master ke apatah lagi phd , banyak je alasan die...tapi beriya-iya nak suruh kite pegi sambung phd terus biar die dpt ikut, pastu kate " ape masalah nye sambung phd??" kalo ade cermin yg boleh pantulkan kata2 tuh pada diri die sendiri kan best (if only...).... as for now, i'm tired of studying (buat mase nih je, esok lusa dah recharge energy, ok laa balik)...penat dah... i felt my brain swelling...

Owh..back to the problem..the thing is, kat website yg announce result psl job offer tu, tak bagi tau pon where will i be posted to, so i get confused whether to accept the offer or not.. kalo die dah bg tau placement kat mane tu takpe nih takde..kalo tau placement bleh laa consider nk pegi ke tak kan???either to take the offer and still do the master ke...the problem is i dont know what to do with my master class...dah nak register dah nih tuh suruh pegi report duty dulu, baru bagitau placement...diorang akan terus suruh report duty kat ade sebuah resort di port dickson dan kat situ baru akan tau ape akan jadi selepas itu..

back to the dilemma, can anybody give me perspectives?????

should i take it or should i not???

what do you think??


intoxicated_lover said...

Offer yang sedang anda perkatakan ini adakah offer dari MARA? atau dari kementerian??pls clarify..

setahu aku offer yang tak bagitau placement ni selalunya dr kementerian. tapi bila ko ckp kna report duty kat PD tu aku baru tingat, si dhiya amalina tu pun dapat surat dr MARA, kna report duty kat Tiara Beach Resort, so i consider u also got the offer from MARA rite?

tapi kan..kalau aku kan..aku rasa aku habihkan aje masters tu.ala lagi satu semester je kan? pastu nnt apply laa balik..insyaAllah rezeki tu tak ke mana...

tapi klu yg pasal recession tu..agak dilema laa jugak kan?

ntah laa pid. rasanya comment aku ni tak bgitu membantu kan? huhu..

anyway, masters tu leh tangguh kan? ko gi keje dulu n then ko smbung laa abiskan masters ko tu buat part time..klu ko sanggup bersusah2 skjp..ala..lagi 1 sem je kan..

Go Pid u can do it!!!!

Anonymous said...

why don't, just accept d offer and pray to god that u'll be placed somewhere close to the plus exit. xpe berkorban kerje n belajar another 5-6 months. u can do it.insyaAllah

Adiby said...

wpun mcm dah terlmbt .. aku rasa baik ko trus smbg phd.. blh aku tumpang sekaki (okay ni mcm takde kaitan :P)