This is just a place to pour out my thoughts and what's happening around me, and also it's a place for me to write whatever I feel I wanted to offense to those who would feel intimidated due to the words that were written on this blog.. After all, it is my I right??
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
December 31st, 2008
scanning ............15 %
scanning ............38 %
scanning ............56 %
scanning ............73 %
scanning ............89 %
scanning ............99 %
Scanning Completed!
heh.. as far as i'm concerned, most of my last-year's resolutions achieved (or maybe almost achieving) their goals..
1) to get good results for my master's studies..checked!
2) try to find myself a job..checked !( one aritu, tp tak pegi..and this one i think, i'll go for it..)
3) *** ******* ** **** ...checked!(almost laa gak sbnrnye)
so, my new years resolution would be:
1) get item (2) and (3) fully achieved ...
2) try to balance everything in my life...
3) complete my master's degree by the end of the year...
4) continuously trying to be a better person...
Bon Voyage 2008 and Welcome 2009... I really hope that this year will be more than just wonderful.. It is hoped that everything will fall into place for me...amin...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Al Fatihah..
Friday, December 26, 2008
Member-get- member deal..
Year end sale!! Malaysia's big saving sale...discounts up to 70%!!!!
penulisan entri ini bukanlah bermaksud saye sudah membuat pilihan utk persoalan2 hidup yg di paparkan di dlm entri yg sebelumnya..tetapi ini adalah entri tiada kena mengena langsung dgn persoalan tersebut.. entri ini hanyalah bermaksud utk saje2 je...
Pada mlm tadi, saye ada laa berhubung dgn anak buah kedah (kerana arwah pak sedare sulung saye kawen dgn org kedah..dan anak buah ini adlh cucu kpd arwah pak sedare saye nih ..) kami lebih kurang sebaya dan kami lebih senang berhubung melalui instant messaging dan sms, dan mungkin atas sebab kami ni lebih kurang sebaya, kami lebih senang berkomunikasi antara satu dgn lain...
so, nk dipendekkan cerita.. baru2 ni, beliau yang sorang nih cerita laa kat saye yang ade satu konflik keluarga telah berlaku.. lalu saye pun bertanya laa konflik ape?? hehe..die pun jawab, konflik tgh berebut tarikh kenduri kawen pada cuti sekolah bulan 3 nanti...(gimik bukan main..!! konflik tuh..) utk pengetahuan, 3 anak buah kedah saye yg sedang berebut tarikh tu (actually parents diorang laa..anak2 bese tak amik port kot..) 2 daripadanya dah bertunang dan sorang lagi tu potong trip org2 yang dah tunang tuh terus nikah(dah jodoh die dulu, yer tak??) bukan laa sampai bergaduh ke ape..jgn pikir negative tau!! Saye bagi cadangan kat die nih supaye buat je combine..tak payah susah2 rebut tarikh..buat sama2...diorang pun jimat blanja, kite yg nak pegi makan kenduri nih pun jimat jugak..yer tak???(yer la kann.. kene jugak pikir duit minyak, tol, dan blanje2 lain ..[buatnye lepas pegi makan kenduri tuh, nak lajak kan perjalanan ke langkawi ke..padang besar ke..]
So, diorang pun blom bg tau keputusan akhir die mcm mana...kite tunggu dan lihat..
(agak2 laa kan tajuk tuh ade kaitan tak ngn entri???)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
of mawi and siti nurhaliza (part 2)
thank you kakngah for the opinion...
today, i received a wake up call from En. R***M...and just what need this time, something that will make this decision making tougher!!! another interesting (i mean really interesting!!) project proposed by my classmate (master's class), En. R***M about an upcoming project for the faculty regarding KM implementation in Malaysia's Automotive Manufacturers .. This project is something we (our class) are planning to leave for the faculty (haha..sentimental!!).. and to do this, i believe that i need to have ample time in my hands to focus on the project...from the explanation i get from en. R***M, it does sound like a big project... Our senior had organized a forum, inviting "big-shots" being the panels doing knowledge sharing session.. so, we thought that we should also leave sth to remember us by.. pastu ade sebut psl buat trip sumer, cari sponsor n all...hahahah loike!! ( yg tu sbnr nye, yg interesting!!!)
i also asked an opinion from an online friend whom already hold a PhD in something related to datacomm amende ntah..tak pnah tanye in details (in fact, i dont even know his fullname, i just know his YM id)...hehe.. so, he sort of telling me to complete the master first, and the job will always be available ...dont worry about the job...
but still i'm still in dilemma...hahaha...fenin2
Monday, December 22, 2008
terpingga...tertanya...di dalam dilema mu~~ (of mawi and siti nurhaliza)
other than that.. now i am facing dilemma between 2 choices... i just got a job offer from a govt statuitory body as a teacher ( i suppose)( and it is also a permanent post, ok!!).. i received notification via sms that asking me to check for the details from the internet.. so i did... why is it i'm torn between 2 choices??? (and that reminds me of "the road not taken")
as everyone knows, currently i'm pursuing my master and i have only 1 semester to go.. and next year, if the news from the TV3, utusan and other news network about the next recession happened to be true, that means less chances for me of getting hired by any company anytime soon..Plus, i'm getting married next year..and currently my financial support comes from FAMA (my father and mother)...
What i needed the most right at this moment is reliable and consistent financial income...but at the same time, i wanted to finish my master (i more semester, remember??) very badly... so, if you were in my shoes, which road do you choose??
which one should i prioritize??? what i need or what i desire/want???
some of you would say, why not just finish my master because my parent will be sponsoring me, inside out...makan, minum, place to stay (currently, i stay alone in a 3 room apartment/flat..all by myself), car...duit jajan n what not...sumer cukup, except for duit shopping and joli katak (usually entertainment sponsored by en.fiance..tapi bukan shopping, only wayang2, dating2, game2 etc sahaje...hehe) tapi utk therapy minda (shopping)nggak ada..jadi tiada joli katak, dan minda juga tidak tenang...
pasal kawen pon, saye rase saye memerlukan sumber kewangan sendiri supaya saye dapat merase sedikit berpuas hati dengan majlis yg akan hanya berlangsung sekali seumur hidup itu, maksud saye, sapekah yg sangat baik hati yg sudi mensponsor majlis kawen saye jadik best macam mawi dan siti nurhaliza??? ade ke?? mesti takde kan?? tapi saye takde laa nak majlis yg grand giler mcm diorang tu, but still i have dreams of my own and i wish to fulfill them satu pon cukup laa kalo tak semua, kan???
And again, mmg la my parents yg akan buatkan majlis tu and all..tapi bile org buatkan, org yg kuar kan duit, the theme most probably will be "back to basics" if you know what i mean...if i wanted to hv opinion/have anything extra..kata2 kena selari dengan duit jugak..mcm kirim barang kat orang laa jugak, kalau pesan dgn air liur, dapatnye air liur jugak..bukan tak bersyukur...tapi, this is once in a lifetime's event..
yg en. fiance ni plak lagi satu...bile suruh die yg sambung master ke apatah lagi phd , banyak je alasan die...tapi beriya-iya nak suruh kite pegi sambung phd terus biar die dpt ikut, pastu kate " ape masalah nye sambung phd??" kalo ade cermin yg boleh pantulkan kata2 tuh pada diri die sendiri kan best (if only...).... as for now, i'm tired of studying (buat mase nih je, esok lusa dah recharge energy, ok laa balik)...penat dah... i felt my brain swelling...
Owh..back to the problem..the thing is, kat website yg announce result psl job offer tu, tak bagi tau pon where will i be posted to, so i get confused whether to accept the offer or not.. kalo die dah bg tau placement kat mane tu takpe nih takde..kalo tau placement bleh laa consider nk pegi ke tak kan???either to take the offer and still do the master ke...the problem is i dont know what to do with my master class...dah nak register dah nih tuh suruh pegi report duty dulu, baru bagitau placement...diorang akan terus suruh report duty kat ade sebuah resort di port dickson dan kat situ baru akan tau ape akan jadi selepas itu..
back to the dilemma, can anybody give me perspectives?????
should i take it or should i not???
what do you think??
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
vacation mood...
so now, i started to feel serenity and calm within me.. it's a good thing, isnt it?? haha..maybe it's because the result is not out yet and hey, i'm in no dont bother to come out just yet.just let me enjoy this zen-like feeling for little more longer, enjoy sleeping soundly every night...hmmm...bestnye! it's like i have nothing to worry about and i'm loving it!!
owh ye..lupe plak nk bgtau..skang nih saye berada di PD nih bersama2 mak ayah saye dan bangah dan kakngah dan hanan dan zara dan umar dan of kos awoo...diorang tido lagi kot..i slept early last night, around 1030 kot..and woke up around 3 am and could not sleep anymore.. so i decided to surf the internet using my phone as the modem (abes laa bil gue..) for like an hour or so...then i watched 3 episodes of Private practice season 2 downloaded last week..After subuh, i went to the lobby to use the wireless service... Owh ye jugak lagi, misti ramai yg tertanya2 ttg keberadaan maxis broadband saye tuh kan??? modem tersebut berada di tangan en. fiance kerana saye sedang bercuti di rumah dan ade en. streamyx...saje sian tgk die kebosanan... hmm tu laa, nk wat cmane lagik kan...daripada gelap tadi, ni dah terang benderang dah nih..
Ok laa..nk naik la dah..tgk kanak2 tu dh bgn ke blom... orait....tatalll
Monday, December 15, 2008
Official entry
(1) To some of you that have read the announcement (yang skang nih saye dah hide kan entry tersebut atas sebab2 tertentu), you would know that my make up artist wasnt here, and that makes 2 of my sisters were not here during the event...
(2) my en. fiance pun tak datang pada hari kejadian, di sebabkan oleh perintah larangan daripada, sbg anak yg THO'AT (sebut seperti bahase arab ye), make die pun menurut perintah..
(3) lepas tu mase time2 org(sebelah) nak amik gambar dgn star of the day nih, tetibe laa plak one of my nieces , yaya came to me and said something like "tuyaa" repeatedly and at the same time pull my hand..ntah ajak gi mane tak dapek laa den nak ngikut doh...dah laa pelat tak tau laa ape yg die nk ckp comel! dh hilang feel sket nk amik gambar posing2...
(4) lagi satu, the whole day, i didnt feel nervous at all....i mean even mase nk gi konvokesyen pun rase nervous bagai nak gile...pastu kalo time nk kne g interview, siap takleh tido lagi.... ini, agak nyenyak laa jugak sehingga waktu dikejutkan...tido baekkkk punye!takde rase berdebar2 la pendek katenye...
(5) none of my friend is coming. tp yer laa, i just invited kawan skolah rendah, which are majority area seremban laa...bukan tanak ajak org2 tesl, asasi ke ape...tanak menyusahkan korang je ...
and there were also interesting stories (at least to me) that happened that day while i was putting on my own make up (sob sob ..for doing my own make up..)...
(1) one of my cousin's daughter, decades older than me tumpang mandi in my bathroom, n then after seeing me putting make up by myself (note: i was alone in that room earlier), she asked,
Cousin's Daughter: make up sendiri ke dik???
me: (saje buat muke kunun cam sedih) a'aa..siann kene make up sendiri...make up artist takde..
Cousin's Daughter: takpe2 jap lagi ******* tolong mekap kan lepas mandi nih...
me: (OMG!!!!!) lantas selepas je die masuk bilik air,
maka saya dgn sepantas halilintar menyiapkan makeup saye sehingga habes....cuma tak sempat pakai lipstick je... tgk2 die kuar bilik air saye dah siap...hehehe ..dlm hati tuh, nasib baik sempat siapp...hehehe..saje je tanak nyusahkan org lain utk mekapkan...hehehe :P (note for saksik: kakcik, blusher die same laa ngan awak !!! hehehehe) itu pun,mase pakai lipstick nih, saye telah dicadangkan oleh mekap artis saye utk pakai kaler yg tak laa merah cam, after saye pakai lipstick tu org tuh komen lipstick saye, utk menjaga ati, saye pun pakai laa merah tuh pun cam pink sketttt je...
(2) one of my mom's anak buah (umur dah warga emas laaa) dulu (menurut pemahaman saye sblm hari kejadian) ckp kat mak psl anak kwn die(lelaki) tak kawen lagi n nk dicarikkan laa spouse utk anak lelaki kwn, i tot mule2nye die suruh mak carik kan kot2 org taman guru nih ade sape2 anak pompuannye cikgu dan tak kawen lagi...rupe2nye pada awal alkisahnye die adalah bertanye kpd mak saye mengenai perihal saye utk dikenenkan dgn anak lelaki kwn nye itu... saye amat bernasib baik kerana beberapa tahun yg lepas, ketika saya mengikuti satu rombongan menghantar cincin tunang di Serting, i have had a conversation with my mother, and conversation tu lebih kurang camnih laa :
Me: mak, org yang tunang nih, die carik sendiri ke orang yg carikkan??(fyi: i like to ask this kind of question to my mother..haha...kepoci)
Mak: Abang die yang runding kan...nape plak??
Me: ooo..takde ape..tapikan nanti kan adik TANAK camtuh tauu....
SO, i reckoned my mother still remember that conversation or maybe because i have invited en. fiance formerly known as to meet my parents....So, instead of me, she suggested our neighbour's daughter...lucky me... Overall, the event went well if not very well... (since u know, most of the time i was in my room..hehe, saye nih kan pemalu..) about the hantaran i received, there was no problem at all to finish all the cake, chocolates, and fruits..because i have lots and lots of relatives, anak buahs and what not...even before i opened the gifts, i noticed some of their eyes (especially the kids) were on the gifts especially the cake and the, dlm mase yg amat sekejap, bende2 tu abes.. So that's about it...that’s about the day.... and i’ll just put a few pictures...
the hantaran i got
Thursday, December 4, 2008
haaa...kan dah kantoi!!!!
haha...i thought that the readers of my blog are just my tesl friends and ex-schoolmate... rupa2nye udah ramai yg tau...hua hua hua... cemane nih???my camouflage as Miss Nugget tidak lagik berkesan di kala ini.... oleh itu, saye kne kontrol ayu sket.... (",) hehehe..
tu laaa.. kan dah kantoi!
Monday, December 1, 2008
a gloomy one....
What happen this morning was suddenly my father could hardly walk by himself and needed a tongkat to walk (but still, i just cant believe that my father jalan pun mcm goyang sangat2, so fragile that even kalo jentik sikit pun boleh tumbang dah. seriously, i'm not exaggerating). I mean, last night he was just fine, driving to another kenduri held by a relative as well. But i dont know what went wrong, this morning he was not that good at all.. what i'm sure of is he wasnt miss his regular medication the previous night. This morning, all the joints (my father's) were aching badly , and my father can hardly walk...
At first, my sister suspected that he was infected by the new aedes disease, Chiku hape bende ntah...but after i brought my father to the general hospital, the doctor said that the disease takde laa mcm tu, however if after 3 days, the illlness become worse and if ade nmpk bintat2 merah2 kat kuli, then confirm laa bende chiku ntah hape ntah tu (hopefully tak..). And i asked the doctor if it's psoriatic arthritis, because my father has history of psoriasis..and from my reading, the disease could lead to joints inflammation.. then the doctor ckp tak jugak, and i was a little bit relief still di selubungi misteri ...penyakit ape yg tetibe datang mcm tu aje, yer tak???
So, instead of going to the family gathering, we were heading to the general hospital laa kan....
pastu after dah balik rumah (at first, i thought that my father was going to be admitted[and we were ready to bring over some clothes and what not]- i mean, it would be good because in hospital there will be a lot of medical facilities and help in case anything happen-i'm not hoping that anything bad will happen, just to be prepared), i would run as fast as i could if i hear things fall to the floor to check on my father if he's ok, i would also run if i hear him "mengerang" to asking him if he needs anything, if i see him walking i will escort him from the back, to make sure where he's going do whatever he needs to do and escort him back to his room.. he wouldnt let me to "papah" him to his destination, so, escorting is what i could do to make sure he's ok .. it's frightening of the possibilities that could happen and i dont want to think about that at all.. all i know is that i'm extremely worried if anything happen to my father... i am just not ready... Ya Allah, please heal my father....
I dont know about how you would feel if your father suddenly tak terdaya nk jalan...but what i felt after twice seeing my father was so sick ( one, after he was having the bypass surgery, and this is the second time) oooppss..this is the third time, the second time was when he was down disebabkan oleh kayap kat kepala... i felt extremely worried and sedih jugak psl sumer orang pon tau, father figure ni once was orang yg paling kuat dlm family kite, one who suppose to protect our family at all time...suddenly i felt insecure, psychologically...bukan laa bermaksud die tak kuat nih i would be unprotected tapi insecure in terms of i'm not ready facing any loss... if you know what i mean... i dont know if i put it right in the exact words (sorry for any wrong interpretation), but that's how i feel... insecure..frightened..not ready...
so, now, i'm truly worried....please pray for my father.....
Thursday, November 27, 2008
congratulation and jubilation ...nananannnannannannaa...
i have been catching up with a friend of mine whom just got married last not more than 2 months ago, and saje2 je tanye if she has already get herself "double" now...and the answers, even though it is not confirmed by any medical pratitioner just yet..most probably positive..i really hope that it is true... both of them, i'm sure they are anxiously excited to become father-to-be and mother-to-be....kann???kan???? kan father-to-be kan??kannnnn???(you know who you are...hehe..jgn senyum2 kambing je...)
so, another friend of mine yg dah pregnant is Manj... thanks for letting us know the good news as soon as u find out....i'm very happy for both you and along ...send my regards to him ekkk...
owh, as for my hantaran, both mak and i have agreed to just leave it to the kedai bunga/barang hantaran to settle it next time we have to do it...susah kalo masing2 tangan kayu nih....nnt wat malu je bagi cantik2,kite punye mcm haram kan...??
to my blog readers, i really need your opinion on the theme for my wedding next year (hopefully) is because while i search for my tudung and selendang for the engagement, i discovered a store that sells beautiful lace (suitable for wedding dress) at a very reasonable price. I already asked en. bf about it but, the thing that makes me more confused is when he said " ikut awak laa...awak pilih laa..." grrrrr.....rase nak geget je makhluk nih...kang org pilih kaler pink tau plak tanak.... owh... about the store i mentioned... the choice of laces there enough to make me rambang mate bagai nak gila...i mean, even if i jalan2 kat jakel ke, euromoda ke, alinas ke and what not, sometime found that eventhough the price of the lace in like very pricy (sometime up to RM 200 per METER)and it is not that beautiful actually... i have no idea what makes it soooooo this store yg i just found out, most of the laces are beautiful....and the price is only RM 60 per METER and very beautiful...there is no need to tambah more labuci ke ape is already cantik lip lap lip lap....glamour i tell you.... so, now i would like to ask for your opinion, kaler ape yg korang rase cantik...??? i got so confused....
owh, and i forgot to tell you one thing....i bought a selendang..not really a selendang..(macam veil pun ade gak...) from that same shop, that is full with lip lap lip lap.....for only RM 45 only..i have surveyed for the same thing in shah alam...a simpler selendang with nothing much on it would cost me RM 105, and the less it could go is RM 95... And the veil that i bought was at first RM 60, and i try to make it less to RM 50...then come the treasurer (of kosh be gosh my mothe laa kan..) she could bargain it to RM 45... i was happy enough that i could get as cheap as RM 50 because in Shah Alam, it was RM 105... ( half price already or what....!!!).. salute to the treasurer laa kan..tabik spring...
enough of that...i am sleepy and i think i want to go to sleep now....
till then, take care y'all...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
2 weeks away ...
i am two weeks away from the event and i'm struggling to bring out my artistic touch for the dulang hantaran... alangkah indahnye jika ade miss g4 and manj around to help me out with this whole thing... yer kawan2...selama ni hantaran2 utk abg2 saye dan kakak2 saye kawen were under the responsibility of my 3rd sibling, whom now is in College Station, Texas.. utk pengetahuan semua, hanye tangan die je yg lembut dan creative dari kitorang sume...tangan gue?? hehehe...mcm haram...tangan kayu....
oh ye...perlu diberitau di sini..yang mengerje kan bende nih stakat ni ialah saye dan mak saye...saye rase tgn mak saye pon keras cam saye...dan saye pon tatau mane akak saye tu dapat talent tangan lembut sket.... musykil nih!!
setelah lebih kurang mengadap bende ntah hape2 nih dari pagi tadi, kami telah berjaya menggubah 2 barang,dan terase seperti kunun cam terer...tapi hehehe...segan nak tunjuk kat sini, nnt jipak tgk die misti gelak kan... hehehe..nnt laa dah siap sume gue letak laa... kalo tak nnt tak SEPRAISSSSS!!!!! kannn???
ok lah, mak saye telah berbuih mulut memanggil saye utk makan, saye pon lapa ni..tak brekfes lagi....bau goreng telur ni sungguh menggoda jiwa saye ...till then.... saye gi makan dulu... nanti saye sambung lagi ye!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
OMG!! i've been tagged
so, without further a due, here goes....
1.If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
last time i was, i guess i could just be cooolllll...
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
I wanted to have the purrfect life.....
3.Whose butt would you like to kick?
right at this moment,
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
I'd buy mansions, hybrid car, and make some investment...with the dividend that i'd get, i'll go travelling around the globe.
5. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend??
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
haha...i'd go for the second one...but with some amendment, being loved by EVERYONE...(tamak kasih sayang sket)
7. Are you gorgeous?
absolutely gorjes....hahaha(perasan laa plak kan)
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
tiru cam adib....(still secretly like that person, who cares its not that im going to tell people , i like them)
9. What do you pray each day for your loved one?
may they live happily everafter here and hereafter, amin.
10. What takes you down the fastest?
some unthoughtful words...
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
most probably i'll put on more weight...and still be happy about it
12. What do you really want at the moment of responding to this tag?
sleep and talk to en. bf(eventhough i just feeling like kicking his butt)
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
sengal ...mahap ye adib..(tapi baik atii...)
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
single and rich
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
still lazing on the bed for like another 30 minutes
16. What’s the character must have in your partner?
is???not are??? ade banyakkkkk...
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
tak tau....most probably someone else other than the two fellas
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
forgive= yes, forget= that depends on how big is the mistake...kalo takat curik pemadam pensel, abaikan je laa...
19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
being complicated
20. Would you leave your family behind just to chase your dreams?
ntah...i dont think so, i think i'm nobody without them... i wanted to tag....
2. yda
3. sumer orang yg bace...hahhaha
daaa...nak tido....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
a year older? definitely no......
This entry is meant to record the date in my blog....
Happy 15th Birthday to me....
Happy Anniversary to both my mother n my father...
another year is passing by...but my age remains the same....
i love being 15....hehheheh
ps: this entry was supposedly published on 11/11/2008, 11:11 a.m.
but unfortunately, i realized that my blog's time zone was GMT -800 (pacific time) ...the moment i realized that, the date was already passed by... DAMN!!!
btw: i'd like to thank these people who have wished me today... thanks for being such a thoughtful person(s) u guys for that...
waida, kaklong, alams, saksik, kude, nor, kakngah, zara, hanan, umar,husna, hasan, husin, g4,lyd, cik siti norazim, darlie, suzen, shi2, didot, ika, and not forgotten, my beloved thanks for the treats yesterday... i love you very much..muah2...owh, i love him.....angau2 plak dah...hehehhe
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Monsoon Cup!!!
Want to know what makes me this happy???? My assignments are finally DONE!!! at last... I am looking forward times like this every semester... i know you understand the relief that i am feeling right now... that means i can now really mengular...OH NO!! I am excited to start doing the preparation ... YEAYYY!!!
Tomorrow, i'll be sending these two assignments that have made my life hell on earth 3 days ago(oh well dear friends, we are all the ultimate procrastinator, aren't we??>> and g4, thanks for the quotes from ellen degeneres on your blog and also for your philosophy, i truly appreciate it!!)...and now I'm free... And what's more??? I'm not going to have to think and worrying about any assignments anymore on my birthday on tuesday... YEAYYY!!!
I dont care about the contents of my assignments hahaha...all i did was blasah aje..asal siap...yang penting i happy giler nih...baru laa bleh tido dgn aman sekali!!! YEAYYYY!!!
Sumer paragraph pun ade YEAYYYYY!!! YEAYYY!!!!
OWH I AM SO HAPPY!!!!YEAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And i think i will listen to Frank Sinatra after this posting this entry.....
did i mention i like the part that says
" Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And did it my way."
Thursday, November 6, 2008
many of my friends might have notice that i have high level of anxiety attack (since forever).. i think it wa obviously seen especially when i had to give presentation in front of other people ( i.e. during my micro/macro teaching in the undergrad's years.. if you still remember the moment that i have to do microteaching for MTW class...that was truly embarassing..) My lesson plans would be really beautiful in terms of the flow of the lessons, however, i usually failed when i have to present it to the class.. Some of you might have notice, and the rest may not...
And due to the above matter, it affects my fluency and language use during the interview or presentations.. I dont know how to rectify that weaknesses of mine. During the interview, my grammar went all over the place, me myself notice that BUT... i cannot constantly correcting myself and it would be really awkward... Also, due to the problems, i dont think i have sufficient self confidence whenever i have to attend any interviews.. even thoufgh i have experienced it before, the moment i stepped into the room, only God knows how nervous I'd be ... To tell you the truth of how bad my anxiety level are, the day i attended that Mara interview, i could not sleep at all the night before... my heart was pumping too fast like it was about to blow up any minute, with no familiar faces around me during the interview, unlike the previous interview i had last semester, at least there were ceda and ira...
One of my friends said that i was the only one who is thinking the way i'm thinking right now... but how can i be sure about that?? Or she just didnt want to hurt my feelings and said all the nice things about me in front of me, and keeping me live in denial?? i dont know....she might be honest and she might be not...( for the statement only...deep down, i believe that she is an honest person)
So now the main question is, am i qualified to hold the degree i'm holding right now??? I am so damn afraid to answer that question...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
wish me luck!
now already 4.34 in the morning and i still couldnt sleep...sheeshhhh....
wish me luck ok!! muahhh!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I did it my way....(and a literature lesson)
As i told some of you, sometimes i just felt like giving up..but then i remembered this is all my choice... And after all the sacrifice; financial wise, time wise, storage wise(inside my brain) and everything else; i am not going to choose to be a loser...and times like this i'd like to listen to Frank Sinatra's "My Way".... In a way, this song kind of give me some motivation to go on, apart of giving calls to my friends....
My Way by Frank Sinatra
And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.
I've lived a life thats full.
I've traveled each and every highway;
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Regrets, I've had a few;
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.
I planned each charted course;
Each careful step along the byway,
But more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And did it my way.
I've loved, I've laughed and cried.
I've had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.
To think I did all that;
And may I say - not in a shy way,
No, oh no not me,
I did it my way.
For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows -
And did it my way!
And i would also like to put here the lyrics for Ayam Den Lapeh, not Anita Sarawak's Version but Mastura' to those who would have lots of free time can try to interpret and analyse the song... Remember!! No right or wrong answers...that's the beautiful part of Literature...
Ayam Den Lapeh
Luruihlah jalan Payakumbuah
Babelok jalan Kayu Jati
Dima ati indak karusuah
Ayam den lapeh ai ai… ayam den lapeh
Mandaki jalan Pandaisikek
Manuru jalan ka Biaro
Di ma ati indak kamaupek
Awak takicuah ai ai… ayam den lapeh
Sikucapang sikucapeh
Saikua tabang saikua lapeh
Tabanglah juo nan karimbo
Oilah malang juo
Pagaruyuang Batusangka
Tampek bajalan urang baso
Duduak tamanuang tiok sabanta
Oi takana juo ai ai… ayam den lapeh
Den sangko lamang nasi tuai
Kironyo tatumpah kuah gulai
Awak ka pasa alah usai
Oi lah malang denai
O hoi … ayam den lapeh
but on second thought, i might just as well give u the translation right away.... the translation is taken from Kak Nisah's website, the cousin i told u in the previous entry whom i thought tried to "serkap jarang-ed" me last deepavali....but she's the wife laa :D....hehehe...
Luruslah jalan Payakumbuh (nama tempat)
Berliku jalan Kayu Jati (nama tempat)
Bagaimana hati tidak rusuh (susah hati)
Ayamku terlepas. (secara tersirat bermaksud, hajat yang tidak kesampaian)
Mendaki jalan Pandaisikek (jalan ke tempat bernama Pandaisikek itu curam/mendaki)
Bersimpang siur jalan ke Biaro (juga nama tempat)
Bagaimana hati tidak berkata
Aku tertipu
Sikucapang sikucapeh *(semua usaha yg dah dibuat berantakan)
Seekor terbang, seekor terlepas
Terbanglah ke hutan rimba
oh, malang sekali
Pagaruyung Batusangkar (kedua-duanya nama tempat)
Tempat berjalan orang baso **(Orang baso means orang besar aka bangsawan)
Sekejap-sekejap duduk termenung
Oi terkenang juga ai ai… ayamku terlepas (buruk pulak bunyi terjemahan ini :-) )
Kusangka nasi tuai itu lemang
Rupanya nasi tertumpah kuah gulai
Saya ke pasar, tapi pasar dah tutup/habis ***(adalah satu usaha yg sia2 aje)
oh, malanglah saya.
ayam ku terlepas
Kusangka nasi tuai itu lemang( menurut mak saye, nasik tuai tu mungkin juge adalah pulut kuning kottt...sebabnye adlh didlm line berikutnya)
Rupanya nasi tertumpah kuah gulai
Saya ke pasar, tapi pasar dah tutup/habis
oh, malanglah saya.
and according to another reading that i did, this song was written by a guy, in which the chicken in this song represent 2 women he was wooing(tak patut btol kan??ade ke kite nih di umpamakan mcm ayam..isk isk isk...sedih )... Unfortunately, due to his greediness, he did not manage to get any of the girls (padan muke laa kan??) tamak tu!! nak ngurat skali dua org....tuh yg die sampai terduduk termenung memikirkan "ayam-ayam"nye terlepas.... korang agak2 macho ke org yg menulis lagu nih ??hensem kah die???(kalo btol laa begitu ceritanye, yg die skali nak ngurat 2 orang skali...)...ok laa kanak2, saye berangkat dulu ye!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
satu iklan di hari Deepavali..
a) make-up
- Bridal
-creative evening
-face painting
- photoshoots
b) hair do.
for more information, dont hesitate to contact her ... alritey peepss....
p/s: Happy Deepavali
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Of Exam and Assignments...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Word of the day : Buffoon
Thanks to Miss G4 for visiting me last weekend, but i'm truly sorry that i couldnt spend time with you during the day time, n that's why i dragged her berjimba2 during the night until 3 a.m....Arghhh...shoot!!! No pics taken during the visit...kalo tak buleh jugak letak kat sini...kasik bebudak nih rase nak melawat aku di lain kali....hahahaha...cemane laa buleh lupe...
and that brings back to the reason why i could not find sometime to blog...i am currently too busy with my felt-like-never-ending-assignment!! and again, thanks to g4 for visiting and meriangkan jiwa gue yg kusut masai ni....
Oh yess...about the title of this entry... i had encountered with the word yesterday while having my dinner with my groupmate,after we did our presentation last night and escape from the class after maghrib...while waiting for the food to be served, we chatted about everything under the sun..including love and classes and everything else... and the word came about when we were discussing about relationship..and this friend of mine is currently in a relationship with an international citizen (is that the word?? i dont want to use the word foreigner...seems like unfriendly a bit) and his first language is French.. and we were talking about malaysian men in general and their choice of girl.. sorry for malaysian men who happen to come accross my blog...this was just the gist of girl talk we had..the main topic was "What the hell is wrong with our society???" not purposely malay men.. Sorry i could not remember the whole conversation...
Me: Owh, i have a friend who are now married to an indian..and she told me that eventhough now that they were married, ppl still sort of "pandang kerek" at her...especially when they are in public...
Miss Friend: That's why..These ppl will have some kind of "like there are no other men" look at me also.. My bf ask me why i can accept someone other than of my race to be my bf, and i said the malay men wouldnt want me, they wont look at me.... they will be looking for someone who is petite, fair, skinny, and in terms of education and career, they want somebody of slightly lower education than them... look at me, i have none of them... i am not fair, i am a big size(note: she's not fat, only big size, ok! voluptious, yes...), i have a successful career, and now i'm doing my master...none of them will come close..
Me: tu laa diorang nih...sometime women have to be a bit secretive about that.... just like Ira, bla bla bla ..(the content could not be revealed)
Miss Friend: You know what Mr.Bf said??
Me: What??
Miss Friend: He said that they are buffoons...i'm not sure the spelling
Me: (Due to lack of reading, although i'm a tesl grad, i have to ask her the meaning...the word sounds interesting) Kak...hehehe...what is buffoons???i've never heard of je from tesl (me being honest)...
Miss Friend: Haha..i asked the same question too to Mr. Bf....and you know what was his answer??
Me: (start laughing..) what???
Miss Friend: He said buffoons means the highest level of stupidity....thousands and thousands time more than just stupid...
Me: wow..i loike!!!! i like the word....
yeayy.. new word learned!! i really like the sounds polite and cute, but the meaning...OMG...i loikeeee... i will start using this word from now on...hahahahahaa
enclosed is the meaning i copy pasted from
1)Online Merriam Webster Dictionary : a gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person
Friday, September 26, 2008
My new bundle of joy...the answer to my proposal...
when u're ready to go but u're heart left in doubt...
don't give up on your comes to those who believed it..
and that's the way it is....
(celine dion-that's the way it is)
Introducing my secondary metrosexual boyfriend....Mr. V.... apart from my primary bf en. lokman rayap...
thanks to saksik jadik org tukang beli....
I never thought i'd have it....thanks to the Treasurer.... hik hik hik.... I love u.... muah2...
reminicense: Nsync
so kirenye saye teringat sewaktu di maktab dlu2...zaman2 skolah, i was a big fan of NSync...kaset sume bli tauu...original lagik...zaman tuh laa kan...sume kaset lagik ( walaupun kat skolah diharamkan bwk walkman...dan walkman gue udah dirampas) tp kaset ttp beli...if i were to compare both nsync and bsb..i like nsync better laa..dunno why.. dah laa tuh, minat kat Chris kirkpatrick tu plak tuh, which my sister didnt really like laa...die kate budak gigi kotoll...tapi sbnr nye die pakai braces,so nmpk cam kotol laa kot tp tak kotolll....saye ske die sbb die cam gile2 yg rayap!!!
pastu saye pon start la browse kat youtube lagu2 si budak nsync nih....especially lion sleeps tonite...psl si chris nih yg lead...gedik jugak saye nih ye....
kesimpulan nye...saye rase mude ..kelihatan mude...jadik mude ...huhuhuh
Thursday, September 18, 2008
arahan dari warden asrama...
The rules:~ Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
~ Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.~ Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.~ Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog..
fact #1: i am the slowest "eater" in the world... i eat at the velocity of 1 hour/meal (maybe u might think that i'm exaggerating but i do !(",) ) . Usually, i am the last person to finish eating laa..tak caye??try laa tanye sape2 ...i tried to eat a bit faster, but my sister kate " buruk laa org pompuan makan "polok-polok" camtuh!!"
*vocab of the day
- polok-polok = makanan dlm mulut tak abes lagi/blom telan dah nak suap lagi, oleh itu mulut penuh..dan itu adalah tak semenggah ok!!
fact #2: i am sensitip at times...takleh org terslh ckp/tone sket dah terase....saye jugak adlh seorang makhluk yg cepat emo ok!!!
fact #3: i like my birthday date( 11 November) very much... i feel very lucky...mcm ade ong! walaupun sbnrnye tade pun hahahaha.....
fact #4: until the moment of doing this tag, i believe that all my wishes all my entire life came true. it's just a matter of lambat atau cepat je...alhamdulillahh... lately i received a new laptop. i remember that i once wish to have it...and now i really do owned it... Allah listens to my wish..
fact #5:i like doing the master degree that i'm doing now, it's just i dont like the homeworks that come together with it...
fact #6: maybe it's because i'm the youngest in the family makes me a bit childish in certain things. I acted in such behaviour to those who are very2 significant in my life only i.e: immediate family members and ...but however it seems that en. bf could not handle me well when i started to act like nk buat mcmane kan??kalau dh tak rase nk lyn...fine!! However my friends...u dont get to see me acted that way...not that you were not significant in my life, you are very significant in my life too..but from different angle laaa kire nye....
fact #7: (the darkest of all) i have been on-and-off with my for thousands of times, and yerp...i'm still with the same guy. we fought over small2 things a lot n a few big things.. sometimes i wonder whether i'm with the right guy. kadang2, when i started to believe that i'm with the right guy and imagining smooth flowing in the relationship, another fight comes along...and it hurts.... this afternoon i started to believe, but tonite usual..a fight came along...too soon ekk??and this blog might be the next reason to fight about.....
i wanna tag:
1. huwaida jugak
2. abby jugak
3. cyedaaaa jugak
4. akeji formerly known as mr ajai
5. ieda kotttt, psl mmg tak ramai rs nye yg view blog aku melainkan org2 yg disebutkan ....
6. diri saye sendiri....
7. dan diri mereka yg lain yg sedang membaca tag ini....
Monday, September 8, 2008
Persamaan loike...
"Puasa+[Assignment]2 = [Rayax5] - [Assignment]2= Balik Kampung + Raya+Yieehhaaaax10!! !!!"
i'm loving it!!
otak saye jammed...ade roti??
ok laa tu je ...saye nk smbg wat keje....
oh sblm tuh sy nk bgtau siang tadi saye tlh berjaye tido dari lps subuh sehingga pukul 4 be exact, 430 ptg...dengan gangguan pada pukul 12 tghari oleh kakak saye...memberitahu proposal air liur yang telah saya majukan kepada emak saye telah diluluskan....tapi implementation die blom tau bile lagi.... yeayyy!!!
ok lah..nk wat keje...babai en. blog...
miss nugget take off dulu yer.... muah2
take care ye!! jgn nakal2, jgn ngorat2 org...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
It's a hectic month ..what should i say...
(1)Lately I am so depressed eventhough in the previous posts i kind of happy with the cancellation of 2 classes weekly during this fasting month. However, the cancellation comes together with a lot of assignments to compensate the free time he has given. Not only for his classes but the other lecturers also play generous to provide us with a lot of other assignments to do.
(2) The computer that i used to use to do my assignments has started to give me a lot of problem recently and at the end of the day i get too frustrated to do any assignment at all.
(3) Due to the problem, my assignments have been accumulated to the phase where i get sooooo depressed.
(4) Maybe due to these problem i am not able to get my sleep.
(5) And i get cranky... easily pissed off
(6) And my boyfriend accusing me that i "have somebody else"
(7) and i get more cranky
(8) and i am soo pissed of with the accusation...
(9) I changed my password againn!!
(10) I would love to list down the assignment that I have....
- Project Management-Presentation1(done)+write up(80%).......tomorrow
- Project Management- report review presentation(done)+write up......tomorrow
- Project Management- case study (group work)......after raye
- Info Storage n Retrieval- redo vc presentation saturday
- Info Storage n Retrieval- case study ..........the saturday after nxt saturday
- System Analysis- Interview with System Analyst + Write up .........after raye
- System Analysis- System Development+ Case study.......after raye
- Competitive Intelligence- company profiling ......after raye
- Competitive Intelligence- case study...after raye
- Competitive intelligence - article review presentation......after raye
Friday, September 5, 2008
tujuh bende aje.....
7 bende oleh miley cyrus
I probably shouldn't say this, but at times I get so scared
When I think about the previous relationship we shared
It was awesome, but we lost it
It's not possible for me not to care
And now we're standing in the rain,
But nothing's ever gonna change until you hear, my dear
The 7 things I hate about you
The 7 things I hate about you
Oh, you
Your vain, your games, your insecure
You love me, you like her (???)
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends, they're jerks
When you act like them just know it hurts
I want to be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you
I's awkward and silent as I wait for you to say
What I need to hear now is your sincere apology
When you mean it, I'll believe it
If you text it, I'll delete it, lets be clear
Oh, I'm not coming back
You're taking 7 steps here
The 7 things I hate about you
Your vain, your games, your insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends, they're jerks
When you act like them just know it hurts
I want to be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you
And compared to all the great things that would take to long to write
I probably should mention the 7 that I like
The 7 things I like about you
Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's
When we kiss I'm hypnotized
You make me laugh, you make me cry
But I guess that's both I'll have to buy
Your hands in mine
When we're intertwined everything's alright
I want to be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I like the most that you do
You make me love you
You dooooo
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
beras ape si tipah tu pakai???
hmm, ptg nih nk buke mkn ape yer??arinih sy ade ngedate akak sy, dan juge mlm besok...ape laa nk di ketukkan kakak saye nih ye???hmmm...mari berfikir seketikaa...
btw, last week 2 kawan sy dtg berchoti2 malaysia di rumah saye...yda and lyd...mekasih ler dtg, tp rumah sy bersepah..jgn mara aa...harap2 jgn laa serik dtg umh sy lagi yer....
akhir kate takut laa dgn hw sy nih.....
Friday, August 29, 2008
tora kembali lagiii....
lame dah saye tak menghapdet blog ni kan??? saye sungguh bz sejak akhir2 dgn dgn bergaduh dan berbaik dgn saye...dan bermacam2 lagi...lagipon haritu saye dah terminate encik streamyx dirumah saye, dan menggantikannye dgn maxis broadband...
walaupun pada mulanye connection maxis broadband adalah seperti hampeh, namun kini ia sudah laju seperti halilintar..terima kasih maxis kerana mengambil tindakan keatas segala komplen2 saye yang berbakul2 tu....
berbalik kepada kebizian saye membuat homework....bizi tu mmg yg peliknye tak siap2...hampagasssss!!!!!sakit atiiiiiiiii.....!!!!!!!pastu yang paling di benci...setiap hw tuh misti lebih dr 10 pages..benciii!!!! nk pk...
yg penting misti ramai jeles dgn kami punye klas pada bulan pose nih...klas yg utk ari rabu ngn kamis tu telah di takde kan...dan klas ari selase tu akan di buat pade ari sabtu kul 2 ptg smpi 6. hanye klas ari senin je yg masih di jalankan seperti dlm jadual.....
so,most of the time, saye akan berada di rumah..yeayyy!!tp satu keburukannye ialah..kat rumah saye akan menjadi amat malas utk wat keje ....apekahhH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tolonnnn......
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
more pics???
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
happy ~~!!
until today, i received 3 bouquets of flowers including 2 balloons...2 of them are roses and the other one is lilies...sangat wangi...dan sangat hepi.... the lilies are about to dry but the roses are still fresh laa..especially the one i just received today... mase dpt munge tu...hati pun berbunge2 skali...tapi kan ...sayang laa bunge2 tu kalo layu cam tuh aje...therefore, saye telah terfikir utk melakukan sesuatu keatas munge2 tersebut... nak tau ???hehehehee....saye nak buat mandi bunge laaa..tak payah pegi spa nak mandi2 bunge..buat sendiri pakai bunge convocation.... kreatif dan jimat bukan??? yer..besok pagi ialah hari yg telah saye decide utk mandi bunge convo...dgn harapan taun depan cepat2 la convo lagi skali....ameeeennnnn... and about the balloons, i put it in my rooms...hepi bile tgk balloons tu terbang dgn riang dan gembira....lalu detiap kali saye lalu berdekatan dgn balloons tersebut, saye akan kiss balloons tersebut...sungguh hepi!!
lagi gamba2 convo berada di facebook, dan selebihnye dlm camera akak saye....
walau bagaimanapun, hari tersebut juga terdapat peristiwa yang sedikit sedih, setelah saye bermuhasabah diri di dalam dewan seri budiman tersebut.... tetapi saye tidak lah terlalu sedih berkenaan hal tersebut....
P/S: thanks alam dan manusia yang rayap for the flower delivery
Monday, May 26, 2008
it's tojie's wedding....
ini adalah saye dan pero, yang menjadik mem besar dlm kete Persona milik Am dan Hisyam Francis ....

masih lagi mem-mem besar, di ambil oleh Puan Am a.k.a Mrs Francis
saye tiade dlm gambar kerana mengambil gambar...
from left: Pero, Puan Am, Puan Ady wannabe (insyallah February next year)
ini adlh budak2 asasi yang ade tadik.....
the back benchers (bench kerr??) from left: Am (Ameerah Amrudin), Miss Nugget, Ady (Adnyn Muhanifa), Farraliza, Pero (Aisyah Fairuz)
with the king and queen of the day : Hafizi and Tojie (you both look good together.. :D so sweet)
oh yer kawan2, pada pagi tersebut...lepas bangun pagi saye pun talipon pero tapi die tak angkat pasal talipon kat atas, die takut nak naik atas umh am saye pon tipon am...
kemudian, saye mandi2 siap2...tapi tak mekap lagi...terus gi umh borak2...pastu tunggu pero siap mandi dan baru mekap2....lalu lps mekap kami pon pegi ke umh pengantin menaiki kete am..pegi 1 kete je...tak jem...
kat sane kami jumpe dgn ady dan ramai lagik...owh ...ade lagi gambar...jap eh saye letak lagi... hihihihi.....
ady and fiance
from left: pero, ady, miss nugget,( hopefully am little one :D) and mommy to-be Am
OK. tu je gambar yang ade ....that's all folk!!
PS: nnti graduation pic and maybe manj's wedding plak coming soon.....